30 Days of Streamlit

What is 30 days of Streamlit?

We're kicking off #30DaysOfStreamlit—a social challenge for getting up to speed on building and deploying Streamlit apps. Each day a new challenge will be released for participants to tackle. Inspired by Ken Jee’s #66daysofdata, the #100daysofcode challenge, and Kaggle’s #30DaysofML, this initiative is a fun opportunity to learn, create, share, and earn.

👉 Check out the app to get started now!


The challenge will move through three levels of difficulty: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

📆 Days 1-7 will cover beginner tasks such as setting up a local and cloud coding environment, installing the Streamlit library, and building your first Streamlit Hello World app.

📆 Days 8-23 will cover more intermediate topics. Each day may highlight a Streamlit command to use for creating and deploying a simple Streamlit app (e.g., build a simple app that uses the st.download_button command).

📆 Days 24-30 will enter more advanced subjects. Learn about session states and things like efficient data and memory handling for Streamlit apps.

How to participate

Follow our daily posts on Twitter and LinkedIn or simply visit the 30 days app. Share your progress and creations using the #30DaysOfStreamlit hashtag.

🎈 Happy Streamlit-ing!