Launching a brand-new docs site 🥳

Hey Streamlit community! 👋

We're thrilled to share with you our brand-new docs site. It's a standalone site designed to be your single reference point for all things Streamlit.

Without further ado, here's what's new:

📙 Overview

We've updated our docs with beautiful graphics, a new structure, and a clear delineation between:

  1. Our core product—Streamlit library 📄
  2. Our commercial offering—Streamlit Cloud ☁️
  3. Our catchall resource—Knowledge base 🎓

This layout was designed with new and returning users in mind. It makes navigation easier, improves search, and increases the discoverability of relevant pages (especially Streamlit functions).

For example, if you're learning Streamlit, go to the Get started page in the Streamlit library. You'll learn how Streamlit works, how to install it, and how to create your first app!

If you're deploying a Streamlit app, go to the Streamlit Cloud page. You'll find links and instructions on how to deploy on our free Community tier and on the Teams and Enterprise tiers.

If you run into issues using Streamlit or deploying apps, head to our Knowledge base.

🔎 API reference

One of the most highly requested features was a dedicated page for each Streamlit function. We've done exactly that in our new API reference.

Each page now supports multimedia and YouTube links, references to blog posts, discussion forum links, and lots of other resources. Plus, each Streamlit function now has its own dedicated URL. This makes each module more easily discoverable on search engines.

🎓 Knowledge base

Our documentation now includes a growing repository of articles that answer your questions about creating and deploying Streamlit apps. Previously, if your question wasn't answered in the FAQ, you had to search for it in our forums.

We aggregated the most common questions and discussions within the community to bring you all the answers in one place—the Knowledge base.

If you have trouble installing dependencies, deploying apps, or have a question about using Streamlit with your favorite libraries, our Knowledge base has got you covered.

By definition, a knowledge base is a continual work in progress. There are bound to be edge-cases and issues that the majority of the community has never come across. When working on the cutting-edge of data science, you're always faced with unknowns.

If you have a solution for an issue and want to see it in the Knowledge base, please write an article! Include as many details as possible. Here are the instructions on how to contribute. If you see anything that can be improved in existing articles, create a new issue, submit a pull request, and let us know in the comments below or on the forum.

🎁 Wrapping up

This launch marks a milestone in the development of our open-source product, Streamlit, and our commercial offering, Streamlit Cloud. Alongside the Streamlit 1.0 release, our documentation has received major visual and structural updates:

  • Streamlit library and Streamlit Cloud sections.
  • API reference with dedicated pages for each Streamlit function.
  • Knowledge base as a self-serve library of tips, step-by-step tutorials, and articles that answer your questions about creating and deploying Streamlit apps.

These updates bring us closer to two goals:

  1. Reducing the time and effort required to find answers to your questions about Streamlit.
  2. Putting relevant information in the hands of new users and experienced developers.

We're excited for you to explore our new documentation site and hear what you think.

Happy Streamlit-ing! ❤️