Announcing Theming for Streamlit apps! 🎨
Try out the new dark mode and custom theming capabilities
Introducing Streamlit Sharing
The new Streamlit platform for deploying, managing, and sharing your apps
New layout options for Streamlit
Introducing new layout primitives—columns, containers, and expanders!
Introducing Streamlit Components
A new way to add and share custom functionality for Streamlit apps
Announcing Streamlit's $21M Series A
Developing new superpowers for the data science community
Adding beta and experimental “channels” to Streamlit
Introducing the st.beta and st.experimental namespaces
Try Nightly Build for cutting-edge Streamlit
A new style of release for anyone who wants the most up-to-date Streamlit version
The Streamlit roadmap—big plans for 2020!
Devoting 2020 to giving the Streamlit community a vastly expanded new set of superpowers