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Posts in LLMs

36 posts
Generate interview questions from a candidate’s  tweets

Generate interview questions from a candidate’s tweets

Make an AI assistant to prepare for interviews with LangChain and Streamlit

LLMs by Greg Kamradt,
LangChain tutorial #4: Build an Ask the Doc app

LangChain tutorial #4: Build an Ask the Doc app

How to get answers from documents using embeddings, a vector store, and a question-answering chain

LLMs by Chanin Nantasenamat,
Building a Streamlit and scikit-learn app with ChatGPT

Building a Streamlit and scikit-learn app with ChatGPT

Catching up on coding skills with an AI assistant

LLMs by Michael Hunger,
Generative AI and Streamlit: A perfect match

Generative AI and Streamlit: A perfect match

The future is about to get interesting…

LLMs by
Adrien Treuille and 2 more,
LangChain tutorial #3: Build a Text Summarization app

LangChain tutorial #3: Build a Text Summarization app

Explore the use of the document loader, text splitter, and summarization chain

LLMs by Chanin Nantasenamat,
LangChain tutorial #2: Build a blog outline generator app in 25 lines of code

LangChain tutorial #2: Build a blog outline generator app in 25 lines of code

A guide on conquering writer’s block with a Streamlit app

LLMs by Chanin Nantasenamat,
LangChain tutorial #1: Build an LLM-powered app in 18 lines of code

LangChain tutorial #1: Build an LLM-powered app in 18 lines of code

A step-by-step guide using OpenAI, LangChain, and Streamlit

8 tips for securely using API keys

8 tips for securely using API keys

How to safely navigate the turbulent landscape of LLM-powered apps

How to build an LLM-powered ChatBot with Streamlit

How to build an LLM-powered ChatBot with Streamlit

A step-by-step guide using the unofficial HuggingChat API

LLMs by Chanin Nantasenamat,
Chat with the Cat Generative Dialogue Processor (CatGDP)

Chat with the Cat Generative Dialogue Processor (CatGDP)

Build your own catbot with a quirky persona!