Monthly rewind > July 2022

Monthly rewind > July 2022

Your July look-back at new features and great community content

The magic of working in open source

The magic of working in open source

How we build our open-source library and release new features

Tutorials by Ken McGrady,
How to enhance Google Search Console data exports with Streamlit

How to enhance Google Search Console data exports with Streamlit

Connect to the GSC API in one click and go beyond the 1,000-row UI limit!

Tutorials by Charly Wargnier,
Qiusheng Wu uses Streamlit to build a popular geospatial application

Qiusheng Wu uses Streamlit to build a popular geospatial application

Learn how Qiusheng created Earth Engine web apps with geemap

Case study by
Qiusheng Wu and 2 more,
Monthly rewind > June 2022

Monthly rewind > June 2022

Your June look-back at new features and great community content

JULO improves financial inclusion in Indonesia with Streamlit

JULO improves financial inclusion in Indonesia with Streamlit

Learn how JULO went from manual underwriting to automated credit scoring and a 22-member data team

Case study by
Martijn Wieriks and 2 more,
Make your st.pyplot interactive!

Make your st.pyplot interactive!

Learn how to make your pyplot charts interactive in a few simple steps

Tutorials by William Huang,
Observing Earth from space with Streamlit

Observing Earth from space with Streamlit

Learn how Samuel Bancroft made the SatSchool app to teach students Earth observation

How one finance intern launched his data science career from a coding bootcamp in Brazil

How one finance intern launched his data science career from a coding bootcamp in Brazil

Learn how Marcelo Jannuzzi of iFood got his dream job in data science

Case study by
Marcelo Jannuzzi and 2 more,
Monthly rewind > May 2022

Monthly rewind > May 2022

Your May look-back at new features and great community content