Monthly rewind > March 2023

🏆 App of the month 🏆

Our March featured app of the month is... 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁

Music Source Splitter by Fabio Grasso!

This app allows you to extract vocal and instruments from any audio. It uses a pre-trained model called Hybrid Spectrogram and Waveform Source Separation. You can upload an audio file, paste in a URL, or even record your own. [code]

Streamlit March updates

Below are the latest updates and releases from March.

🔍 Current release: 1.21.0

The latest release is 1.21.0. Recent updates include improved, support of global secrets.toml file, and a step parameter for st.time_input. Check out the changelog to learn more about the latest features and fixes.

🔮 Upcoming

New features to get excited about:

  • Easily connect to data sources with st.experimental_connection
  • Customize the visibility items in the toolbar, options menu, and the settings dialog
  • Ability to embed Streamlit apps

Visit our roadmap app to see what else we're working on. 🥳

✨ New Docs feature

  • View the source code of any Streamlit command by clicking the [source] button next to the function signature in the API reference. You can also go back and see the code from previous Streamlit versions.

🙋 10 most common explanations on the Streamlit forum

🔍 Create a search engine with Streamlit and Google Sheets

  • Learn from Sebastian Flores Benner how to build a search engine app using Streamlit, pandas, and a Google Sheets database—the use cases are endless.

💻 Building a PivotTable report with Streamlit and AG Grid

🧑‍💻 Hackathon 101: 5 simple tips for beginners

#️⃣ Building an Instagram hashtag generation app with Streamlit

Here are some great apps and tutorials by the Streamlit community. Check out the Streamlit forum for even more community content.

Thanks for checking out this edition of our Monthly rewind. If you'd like more frequent updates on what's happening in the community, check out the Weekly roundups.

Reach out to us on the forum with any questions or projects you're working on, and follow us on Twitter for the most up-to-date happenings!

Want to see older rewinds? Check them out below: